Press Release: 3D Stampede Up On The ArtSpot
Artist: David Watson / February, 2021
Jackson, WY: A new ArtSpot goes up this week on Broadway featuring a three-dimensional sculpture of stampeding bison by local artist David Watson.
This installation has been over three years in the making and marks an evolution of this artwork, which was originally conceived as a painting titled “Stampede.” The ArtSpot is a project of JH Public Art, in which local artists are invited to create site-specific installations that inspire moments of discovery and joy for the more than 30,000 daily drivers that pass by. Receiving an ArtSpot commission propels the visibility of local artists beyond the walls of their studios.
David Watson has lived with his family for over 20 years and is currently the Development Director at PAWS of Jackson Hole in addition to serving on the Board of the Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation, as the Blair Community Garden Coordinator for Slow Food in the Tetons, and as the local Troop Committee Chair for Boy Scouts of America. His paintings have been exhibited in shows at Pearl Street Bagels, Cowboy Coffee, The Kitchen, and Wildlife Brewing.
“Stampede" depicts a group of brightly painted bison running towards, or away from, drivers passing by, depending on your direction of travel. The work has been constructed in the artist’s garage over the past few months, with the help of Bland Hoke, who first created the now iconic ArtSpot in 2008. Watson credits this large scale project for providing a respite during the pandemic, providing the artist with a break in thinking about the isolation, social distancing and depression of a long, cold, and colorless Wyoming winter.
Artist: David Watson / February, 2021
“I hope people feel the warmth of the artwork and enjoy the bright bold colors. I like how the bison will be coming out of the cold, snowy, white wintery background. In a way, it could represent hope of a brighter future. I think we could all use some of that hope at the moment,” — David Watson
For more information about David's artwork visit his website at or call 307.690.7654. Please contact Alex Keenan, JH Public Art Program Manager, for additional approved press images and for information on ArtSpot commissions.