Artist Opportunities & Public Art Events

Artist Opportunity for WildWalls 2025
This year’s WildWalls 2025 theme is Journey through Wild Spaces. Selection and application process differs for each opportunity - please read submission and timeline details carefully.

WildWalls 2025 Informational Session
WildWalls is a semi-annual mural project that highlights important conservation work happening in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE). This year’s theme is Journey through Wild Spaces.

DJ Under the Dandelions
In celebration of the final night of GlowNights Liquid PXL’s Electric Dandelions in Teton Village, join us for DJ Under the Dandelions. Enjoy live music from 891KHOL and cocktails for purchase at the Caldera House Aperol tent.

Beers & Banter: Snow King Stories with Filmmaker Sam Pope and Guest Panelists
Join History Jackson Hole and Jackson Hole Public Art for Beers & Baner: Snow King Stories, an evening of short films interviewing iconic Snow King skiers, followed by a Q&A with filmmaker Sam Pope and guest panelists.

GlowNights 2025: The Cloud Swings Celebration
Jackson Hole Public Art, in partnership with Teton Village Association and Center for the Arts brings a month plus of glowing sculptures to Teton Village Commons and the Center for the Arts Lawn. GlowNights, in its sixth year, has become an anticipated part of Teton County winter art and events.

GlowNights 2025: Electric Dandelions Opening Ceremony
Jackson Hole Public Art, in partnership with Teton Village Association and Center for the Arts brings a month plus of glowing sculptures to Teton Village Commons and the Center for the Arts Lawn. GlowNights, in its sixth year, has become an anticipated part of Teton County winter art and events.

LandSignals: Panel Discussions
Join us and our special panelists at the Center for the Arts as we discuss a series of lively topics surrounding wildland conservation and indigenous interventions and stewardship through art. LIVESTREAM HERE.

LandSignals: Lighting of the Teepees
Join us as we celebrate Pretty Shield Foundation’s Lighted Teepees at the Center for the Arts Park. You can find the Teepees on display at the Center for the Arts from October 23, 2024 to October 29, 2024.

LandSignals: Nani Chacon Mural Grand Opening
Join us as we celebrate artist Nani Chacon Mural Grand Opening featured at Jackson Hole History Musuem.

LandSignals: Ben Pease Mural Grand Opening
Join us as we celebrate artist Ben Pease Mural Grand Opening called Reimagining Connections featured at Greater Yellowstone Visitor Center.

ArtSpot Artist Call
The ArtSpot is a project of JH Public Art (JHPA) and a highly unique exhibition venue located along Broadway. Local artists are invited to create whimsical, site-specific installations that inspire moments of discovery, laughter, and joy for the more than 30,000 daily drivers that pass by along Broadway in the Town of Jackson.

Beer & Design Featuring Patrick Marold
Join us for a presentation by Patrick Marold, the chosen artist from 180 applicants to create a unique work for the Stilson Transit Center. At the event, learn more about Patrick's public art practice while enjoying a beer from Melvin Brewing and Roadhouse Brewing Co.

Mama Mimi’s Birthday Party
This summer, Mama Mimi will celebrate her 38th Lunar Circle (or 3rd birthday). Please join us on July 7th!
Celebrate Mama Mimi with sustainable bites by Lunch Counter, beverages, live music by VaMoose, troll games (for kids and adults), ArtShop scavenger hunt, and a giant mud pie!

People’s Market: Public Feedback on Artist Designs for Stilson Transit Center
Join us at the People’s Market, on Wednesday, June 26 at 4pm to review and comment on the site-specific concepts of the Stilson Transit Center public art finalists.
A selection panel, made up of local arts and culture professionals and representatives from the stakeholder team, reviewed nearly 180 qualifications and selected six accomplished artists for the next phase of this process. These six artists work in a range of materials and hail from across the United States.

LandSignals: Rachel Olivia Berg Opening
Jackson Hole Public Art and The Center will host a celebration for the first LandSignals installation, Listening to Inyan, on June 12 at 5pm in the Center Courtyard. Mnicoujou artist Rachel Olivia Berg will be in attendance and will speak about the inspiration for this piece and the process of creating it. Listening to Inyan centers the Teton Mountain Range of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) and Indigenous perspectives on ecological stewardship.

Making Tracks Unveiling at the Rec Center Grand Opening
Come see Stacia Goodman’s playful, welcoming mosaic, Making Tracks. The design of this sweeping mosaic mural was inspired by what makes Jackson a truly dynamic and wonderful place to experience, as a resident or visitor. Beyond beautification, the artwork’s mission is to inspire a healthy, active lifestyle and to nourish community connections at the modernized Teton County/Jackson Recreation Center.

Western Heritage Mural Unveiling
Dan Toro has been selected to paint the western heritage mural for the new Teton County Fairgrounds Community Building. Toro, based in Laramie, Wyoming, will paint the mural in April. On May 23rd, all community members are invited to join for the unveiling of the mural at the Chamber Mixer in the Community Building from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.

No Longer Invisible: A Community Discussion
Hear from the immigrant families who participated in Invisible in Plain Sight as they share their experiences living in Teton County. The event will include the premiere of the Invisible in Plain Sight film, and a bilingual panel discussion with participants. El Salvadoran tamales and pupusas, a Mexican dessert, and Puerto Rican Coquito will be served.

Tlaxcala Murals Opening: PATH22 Skyline Underpass
Please join JH Community Pathways and JH Public Art to celebrate the installation of two new murals from Tlaxcala, Mexico. The murals were completed by artists Pedro Avelino Alcántara and Francisco Jesús Saldaña Perez. JH Public Art has been working with Pedro and Francisco for two years to oversee the completion of these murals.
Pedro will be here in person to celebrate the opening of these two new murals celebrating cultural exchange between our communities.

Utility Box Wraps: Jackson, Wyoming
The Town of Jackson, Wyoming seeks images that embody the artist’s interpretation of “home” as it relates to Jackson Hole through images of people, places, and regional flora and fauna of Jackson Hole.

Invisible in Plain Sight | Invisible a Plena Vista
Invisible in Plain Sight – Invisible a Plena Vista is a journey into the secrets, untold stories, and pain points of the immigrant experience in the Teton region. This photojournalism exhibition will share the underbelly of the American Dream and ask the question, “what price was paid to live in the wealthiest county in the United States?”

Art and Healing: St. John’s Health Foundation Seeks Artists to Submit Original Artworks
St. John’s Health will create and maintain an art collection that promotes healing, builds community, and exemplifies our commitment to excellence. Through an emerging and growing field of research, art in healthcare settings is recognized as a powerful tool used to create a healing environment by lowering stress and anxiety of patients, families, and staff.

Open Call for Artists to Submit Qualifications & Intent for Stilson Transit Center Artwork
The Town of Jackson, Teton County and Jackson Hole Public Art announce a competition to commission site-specific artwork(s) for the Stilson Transit Center in the heart of Jackson Hole, Wyoming. The Stilson Transit Center (STC) is located at a community crossroads: including the movement of humans, wildlife migration, geological forces, and a wild and scenic river.

JH Public Art Moonshot 5x5
7:00 PM - Keynote speaker Peter Lawrence, President and Co-Founder of Biomimicry in New England
8:00 PM - Moonshot 5x5 presenters
8:45 PM - $3,000 Buzz Aldrin Award announced in the lobby

GlowNights "Electric Dandelions" Celebration
Party under Electric Dandelions with music from KHOL's local DJs. Fizzy beverages. Sparkly attire suggested. Electric Dandelions were created by Liquid PXL, a Los Angeles art collective, the sculpture uses LED lights to cascade twinkling colors high above the ground in an ever-changing array of colors and light.